For many smaller organisations, the power of a companies brand is simply the strength of character of its owner and a maybe a few key individuals within the business.

However, as a company grows, and more and more layers of communication are added to the business, the overarching message can become diluted and the elements which brought success initially, can gradually become eroded and its reputation significantly harmed. 

The good news is some TLC to your brand communication can help restore and improve your reputation and ultimately your business results.

So what exactly is a brand for an SME?

Is it a brand a new logo, a website, perhaps some print advertising or a snappy tagline? The reality – it is all of these but much, much more, your brand is simply how you engage with your customers, your prospects and the outside world as a whole.

For a growing business, a brand should not be regarded as a necessary expense but as an opportunity to audit how it communicates to the public.

Once a business has a strong overall brand strategy in place it can serve them for years to come, through logo updates, through web re-designs and any promotional marketing. It should be considered a foundation with which all further collateral stems from.

It doesn’t have to cost a fortune and, if done correctly should save money and drive business for years to come.

For more information and a chat on how Nei Hou can help your business call: 07843495000 or drop me an email at

 “Ask yourself what your vision and values are and make that the framework around which you develop your brand.”

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